The name says it all: X Files of Y Chromosome. My agenda is typically male (and typically alpha male) because for good reasons, the agenda of women is directed towards men who are good providers, and who are around for the period of pregnancy, and beyond. My sexual agenda is in conflict with the sexual agendas of all the women I've known, because, in general, the procreative and sexual strategies of women are in conflict with the procreative and sexual strategies of men. For men who are either very rich, or very powerful, or outstanding for other reasons, women may be willing (and often have been willing throughout history) to compromise, though they may prefer not to have to. That seeking material benefits is deeply ingrained in typically female mating strategies has conclusively been shown by David Buss in his book The Evolution of Desire, as well as in the work of other academic evolutionary psychologists. That a mating strategy of seeking material benefits and security for herself and her offspring in a lifetime relationship with a dedicated spouse is essentially based on the same paradigm (seeking material benefits) as the mating strategy of a street hooker is nevertheless violently disputed by well-reputed housewives. My sexual agenda obviously also is in conflict with the agendas of other men. It is in conflict with the agenda of other alpha males, because we potentially compete for the same resources. It is even more though in conflict with the agendas of betas and gammas, because the whole system is unfair to them. There is always the potential risk that betas and gammas band together and apply the methods of the French Revolution. Fraternity, of course, is only transitory, as kings are replaced by emperors, and the nobility by politicians, bureaucrats, and capitalists who then appropriate the unfair share.
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